Subscription Manager

Red Hat Subscription Manager is a local service which tracks installed products and subscriptions on a local system to help manage subscription assignments. It communicates with the backend subscription service (the Customer Portal or an on-premise server such as Subscription Asset Manager) and works with content management tools such as yum.

This section explains the gdeploy module `RH-subscription’, which can be used to configure subscription manager.

RH-subscription provides the following actions:

action - This variable allows the following values, register, attach-pool,
enable-repos, disable-repos, unregister.


If the action is register the following variables are supported:

  1. username/activationkey - Username or activationkey
  2. password/actiavtionkey - Password or activation key
  3. auto-attach - true / false, if set to true subscription manager looks for product certificates in /etc/pki/product/
  4. pool - Name of the pool to be attached
  5. repos - Repos to subscribe to
  6. disable-repos - Repo names to disable. Leaving blank will disable all the repos
  7. ignore_register_errors: If set to no, gdeploy will exit if system registration fails.

Example 1: Register to Red Hat subscription management:



If the action is unregister the systems will be unregistered from RHSM.

Example: Unregister the system::
[RH-subscription] action=unregister


If the action is enable-repos the following options are supported:

  1. repos - List of comma separated repos that are to be subscribed to.
  2. ignore_enable_errors - If set to no, gdeploy fails if enable-repos fail.

Example 2: Enable repositories:



If the action is disable-repos the following options are supported:

  1. repos - List of comma separated repos that are to be subscribed to.

Attach pools

If the action is attach-pool the following options are supported:

  1. pool - Pool name to be attached.
  2. ignore_attach_pool_errors - If set to no, gdeploy fails if attach-pool fails.

attach-pool can be initiated at the time of registration.

Refer hc.conf for complete example.