Installing packages from yum repositories

yum section allows you to install or remove packages using yum package manager.

Note :

Make sure that your system is registered with subscription manager before trying to install packages otherwise you’ll get an error while following the steps below.

Step 1:

Create an empty file and give it any arbitrary name. For the purpose of this demonstration, let’s call our file install_packages.conf. Add the following lines to your newly created config file:

# To install package(s):

# Make sure you have the appropriate values in all the placeholders shown in this configuration file.
# These values are just for demonstration purposes.


# Explanation of the above parameters

# packages
# --------

# This takes a comma separate list of values that are packages names you
# wish to install.

# gpgcheck
# --------

# gpgcheck is set to `yes` by default. You can override it
# by setting it to `no` as illustrated above.

# update
# -------

# By default,  gdeploy runs `yum update` before installation. To disable
# this behaviour, set update=no as shown above. The default value is `yes`.

# To remove package(s):
# [yum]
# action=remove
# packages=vi

Step 2:

As always, to invoke gdeploy run the following command:

$ gdeploy -c install_packages.conf