
gdeploy needs a configuration file to do anything useful. Refer Configuration file format for an example.

gdeploy -h will list the available options for gdeploy:

$ gdeploy -h
usage: gdeploy [-h] [-v] [-vv] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-k]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -c CONFIG_FILE        Configuration file
  -k                    Keep the generated ansible utility files
  --trace               Turn on the trace messages in logs
  -vv                   verbose mode
  --addfeature FEATURE_NAME
                        Add new feature to gdeploy

gdeploy –addfeature FEATURE_NAME will create a skeleton to add a new feture to gdeploy. For more details on how to write a feature refer Developer Documentation.

Invoke gdeploy with configuration file as an argument:

$ gdeploy -c config-file

More example configuration files can be found here.