

gdeploy requires the following packages:

  • Python 2.x
  • Ansible >= 1.9.x
  • python-argparse
  • PyYAML
  • Jinja2

Installing Ansible

Follow instructions in the Ansible documentation on how to install Ansible, which can be found here.

Installing gdeploy

gdeploy can be installed using pre-built RPM or can be installed from source.

Installing from RPM

Latest version of gdeploy RPMs can be downloaded from here and installed

Using yum:
$ sudo yum install ./gdeploy-<version>-<release>.rpm

Using dnf:
$ sudo dnf install ./gdeploy-<version>-<release>.rpm

Installing from source

Alternatively gdeploy can be installed from source

$ git clone
$ cd gdeploy

Make sure you have gcc and python-devel installed

$ sudo yum install gcc python-devel redhat-rpm-config
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup gdeploy

Run the file from the root directory of gdeploy

$ cd gdeploy
$ sudo ./

OR Setup manually as follows

  1. Add ansible modules to ANSIBLE_LIBRARY environment variable

    $ echo "export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=$ANSIBLE_LIBRARY:path/to/gdeploy/modules/" >> ~/.bashrc

‘path/to’ will be replaced by the path on your system on which gdeploy is installed.

  1. Add ansible playbooks(inside the templates directory) to GDEPLOY_TEMPLATES environment variable

    $ echo "export GDEPLOY_TEMPLATES='path/to/gdeploy'" >> ~/.bashrc

‘path/to’ will be replaced by the path on your system on which gdeploy is installed.

$ source ~/.bashrc
  1. Install gdeploy using setuptools

    $ sudo python install